Epiphany Outdoor Gear Baddest Bee Fire Fuses 3 Pack 🇺🇸
Original price was: $19.99.$17.99Current price is: $17.99.
A weatherproof tinder that creates a strong, long burning, breeze-proof flame. Extremely effective at igniting from sparks cast off flint striking tools in both wet and dry conditions.
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The Baddest Bee Fire Fuses provide a weatherproof tinder with a strong, long burning, breeze-proof flame. The Baddest Bee Fire Fuses create a larger, stronger, and longer burning flame than a match or butane lighter. Due to the low ignition temperature of the materials and organic weatherproofing formula used, these fuses are extremely effective at igniting from sparks cast off flint striking tools in both wet and dry conditions.
Made with 100% organic materials including beeswax, olive oil, spice/food based dyes, and cotton. Each 3″ fuse will create two uses when cut in half. Fuses comes in a compact, protective carrying case.
Brand | Epiphany Outdoor Gear |
Country of Origin | United States |