Fire starting requires 3 elements: an ignition source, fuel, and oxygen. These three requirements are known as “The Fire Triangle.” Epiphany Outdoor Gear developed the Pocket Bellows “Fire-Triangle Complete” Wet/Dry Weather 3-Piece Fire Starting Kit around these requirements. It’s the only fire-starting kit that effectively provides these requirements in a compact lightweight kit. These tools will give users peace of mind in wet weather conditions.
The Fire-Triangle Complete Weatherproof 3-Piece Fire Starting Kit weighs just 2 ounces and includes a water resistant carrying case. The 3-pieces include:
- EZ Ignite Striker. A ferrocerium rod w/ magnesium-core flint striking tool is a fail proof ignition source that produces a shower of fiery hot embers in all conditions.
- Baddest Bee Fire Fuses (8-pack). 100% organically waterproofed, easily ignitable, long burning cotton tinder torches. When ignited Fire Fuses produce a 3”-5” fire starting flame for up to 5 full minutes.
- Pocket Bellows: (extends to 20” & collapses to 3.5”). Unlike any other fire starting hand tool on the market, our fire bellowing tool turns soaking wet or dry firewood into a rolling fire in moments. Our collapsible mouth bellowing tool compresses and focuses extra oxygen directly into the heart of a fire. The byproduct of this extra oxygen is a significant amount of extra heat which is the key to fire starting in wet conditions.
Brand | Epiphany Outdoor Gear |
Country of Origin | United States |